Parent and Family Engagement Plan

 Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Peachtree Elementary recognizes the critical role of parents in the education of their children.
Our parents are encouraged to learn about the goals and objectives of our school, in addition to
their child’s progress. We also encourage parents to participate in activities that involve them,
such as parent conferences, in order to encourage effective communication. A copy of this policy
is included in the student planner. Each student is given a copy of the handbook at the beginning
of each school year to take home.
Involving Parents
Aside from our Open House Title I meeting, we will have opportunities for parents/guardians to
participate in various parent involvement events. Event dates are distributed through flyers,
SchoolMessenger notifications, school Facebook page, Class Dojo and are posted on our school
website. We are always willing to meet with any parent/guardian who expresses an interest,
concern, or suggestion. Peachtree Elementary feels that parents and teachers are partners in the
education of all students. Peachtree Elementary wants parents to feel welcome and involved
throughout the school year.
Timely Information
The most significant way to enhance the quality of school life beyond a strong academic
program is through communication. To keep parents informed of their child’s progress, teachers
use Interactive Apps such as Class Dojo, send information and student work home in each
student’s planner and all parents/guardians have access to PowerSchool.
A newsletter is distributed to parents on a weekly/monthly basis which includes information
parents need about policies, events at school and general school information.
Regular Meetings
Parents are encouraged to play an active role in their child’s academic progress. Each teacher or
administrator schedules parent/student conferences whenever deemed necessary or when
requested by parents. These conferences are scheduled before, during or after school hours.
Parents are invited to attend and give input when a child is referred for specialized services.
Also, parents are involved in developing their child's Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504
Accommodation Plan and Personalized Education Plan (PEP).
Parent Pledges
Pledges involving parents, students, and teachers will be signed at the beginning of the school
year and as new students enroll in order to obtain commitment from all parties involved. Pledges
will be signed during Meet Your Teacher Day, held in August.
Materials and Training
Parents of upcoming Kindergarten students will be invited to an informational Kindergarten
Orientation, offered during the Kindergarten registration period. This session includes strategies
and ideas that parents can use to assist their children prior to Kindergarten to ensure a successful
start. Students are introduced to the classroom and school environment.
Education of School Personnel
Peachtree Elementary has a tradition of collaboration and teamwork with all staff and parents to
assume responsibility for student achievement. A high level of trust and support exists along
with high expectations and a desire for excellence. Parents, teachers, administrators and student
support services work closely together to achieve goals. With the combination of increased time
for instruction, consistency with instructional practices, focused interventions and professional
development, we will produce significant gains and achievement and provide continued success
on our journey to excellence.
Coordinating and Integrating
Peachtree Elementary School will continue to collaborate and coordinate with community
agencies and organizations, as needed, to provide the maximum educational opportunities
available, including the Department of Social Services, Manna, and Big Brothers Big
Parent Communication and Conferences
Parents will be notified of scheduled activities through flyers, newsletters, invitations, Peachtree
Elementary School webpage, social media (Facebook) and SchoolMessenger. Every effort will
be made to communicate with parents in a format and language that is free of educational jargon
and easily understandable by all. Parents and community members are always welcome at
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